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Adepticon 2018 Highlights

Adepticon 2018 is finally behind your humble author and what a wild ride it was. For those not in the know, Adepticon is one of the bigger miniatures conventions on the US circuit. While it lacks the size of a giant con like Gen Con or Origins, it makes up for it by being a total miniature lover’s paradise. Games Workshop, Fantasy Flight Games, Reaper, etc., all have a major presence here and it is the final stop in the Crystal Brush painting competition. Gaming here is literally serious business. World’s End Publishing has attended Adepticon in some form since...
Welcome to the new website!

Welcome to the new site! Cleaner, faster and easier to navigate.
This Is Not a Test Community Challenge 2017

Ever wanted to see your name in print? Have an idea to make the wasteland a little more dangerous? Want to write for This Is Not a Test? If any of that sounds fun, then welcome to the first annual TNT Community Challenge 2017! Good scenarios are the lifeblood of a tabletop wargame and we want to dramatically increase the amount of them. We also want to tap into the excitement and creativity of our community, by asking you to help us create a scenario book for This Is Not a Test. While your humble author works tirelessly to produce...
2016 This Is Not a Test Retrospective-o-Rama!

Successes Since the launch of the game in 2015 World’s End Publishing has delivered a 175-page rulebook, both in PDF and hardback, three supplements, and small, but growing miniatures line. Most of has happened in 2016 and frankly we have had a great year. Our success is built upon the holy trinity of familiar, yet solid, game mechanics, above-standard production quality, and a respect/maniacal love for our players. TNT was built and designed to be a campaign warband game that would let the hobbyist play out their love of Fallout, Gamma World, etc. on the table top with whatever miniatures...
Dispatches From the Wastes #5

One of the biggest parts of the Wasteland Companion is the three new warbands: Settlers – Unlike the wasteland survivalists you can play now, the settlers are a bit squishier due to sitting behind their walls for so long. But they make up for that by having more bodies and access to affordable healthcare, religious expertise, and a bit of the unexpected we simply call the Mysterious Stranger. They also have the Replaceable special rule. When a member of the warband dies, there is a chance a straggler following in their wake joins the fight. Renegade Reclaimers – No longer...