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Reality's Edge Developer’s Blog 5 – Drones

s Drone Jockey by Thomas Elliott, used with permission from Osprey Games. I was recently asked to write a bit about drones on the Cyberpunk Miniatures Group on Facebook.  Thinking that would make a fun micro-blog entry, here we go. Drones are an important cyberpunk trope and Reality’s Edge would have been incomplete without them.   Controlling drones is the role of the drone jockey operative, in fact, short of one exception, they are the only models that can control drones.   Drone jockeys could be classified as more of a support role and as such their stats are medium-grade, but still...

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Reality's Edge Developer's Blog 4 – Neutrals

The Sprawl is a big place, full of all kinds of people, with a million different stories to tell.  Mostly, though, they just get in your way.  In Reality’s Edge, your crews must contend not only with the enemy, but with numerous folks either out looking to cause trouble or just trying to mind their own business.     In game terms, these people are called neutrals.  Neutrals come in two flavors: The first are Non-Player Characters (NPCs).  These are characters represented with a miniature, just like the models in your crew.  They have stats, equipment, and different motivations.  For a...

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Reality's Edge Developer's Blog 3 – A Different Set of Mechanics

Showrunner by Thomas Elliott, used with permission from Osprey Games. Greetings Sprawlers.  As promised earlier, I thought we should dive into the mechanics of the game and how they are different that those that run This Is Not a Test (TNT). If you have not familiar with This Is Not a Test, I suggest you jump here and give those totally free demo rules a quick read.  Reality’s Edge uses about 80% of the TNT engine.  It’s D10, and the occasional D6, based with the result of a die being added to the relevant stat, hoping for a total result...

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Reality's Edge Developer's Blog 2 - The Models

  Greetings Sprawlers.  Over the last couple of days, I have received several questions about what kind of models are needed/required for Reality’s Edge.  Since model collecting can take time, I thought it would be prudent to tackle this discussion before the book is released.  The most important models you will need for Reality’s Edge will be your crew.  A crew consists of your Showrunner, 2-5 operatives, and your shadow backer avatar.  Your Showrunner has a lot of options to choose from, so we will address them later in a separate blog, but since they must start as a normal...

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Reality's Edge Developer's Blog 1

Reality's Edge Developer's Blog 1

Greetings Sprawlers!  Welcome to the first of several  blogs discussing Reality’s Edge, its creation, and contents. The blogs will be coming over the next couple of weeks leading up to the release of the game by Osprey on August 20.  To start things off, I thought I would give an overall taste about the games contents: Reality’s Edge is an exciting 28mm wargame set in a dystopian cyberpunk future.  The player takes on the role of a Showrunner, a powerful mercenary who leads a team of trusted operatives and disposable freelancers.  By accepting missions from unknown entities and support from...

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